Through a Side Letter of Agreement between the City of Boston (the City) and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Council 93 (the Union or AFSCME), dated August 2, 2004, the CITY and AFSCME agreed to jointly create and administer a housing trust fund to assist lower paid AFSCME employees with the high cost of housing in Boston.
Pursuant to the Side Letter of Agreement, on August 2, 2004, the City and AFSCME executed a Trust Agreement and Declaration Trust. These Rules and Regulations have been developed jointly by the Trustees to clarify the procedures and criteria through which the Trust will operate.
Please complete the application and email it along with the member in good standing affidavit request to Member Services
Homebuying applicationemergency_application.pdf
Emergency Applicationshome_improvement_program.pdf
Home Improvement Programlandlord_rental_arrearage_form.pdf
Rental Arrearage Formhomebuying_application.pdf
Homebuying Applicationrental_application.pdf
Rental Applicationmember_in_good_standing_2021.pdf
Member in Good Standing Affidavit